Is Low Level Laser Therapy medically approved?
Low Level Laser Therapy is a non-medical procedure, As such, it is not covered by most insurance plans. However, many medical doctors and dentists do refer their patients. Ontario Laser Health Centre uses CSA approved laser equipment. Worldwide thousands of professional health care providers use Low Level Lasers in their practices.
Is Low Level Laser Therapy safe?
Absolutely, Low Level Laser Therapy is completely safe, painless and drug-free. Certified Low Level Laser therapists use only approved proprietary protocols.
What part of the body is treated?
Low Level Laser is applied to specific acupuncture or energy points located on the ears, nose, hands and feet. The actual points vary depending on the specific problem being treated .
How long does a Low Level Laser Therapy session take?
A typical session takes between 45 and 60 minutes depending on each person's individual situation.
How effective is Low Level Laser Therapy to stop or quit smoking?
Results are exceptionally high compared to alternative methods such as the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, anti depressant drugs, cold turkey, stop smoking pills or potions and hypnosis, etc.
How many points are covered?
It is important that key trigger points are used, if they try to do less points the effectiveness decreases. Ontario Laser Health does approx. 40 points for 1 smoking treatment - Our protocol has been used successfully on 1000’s of clients for over 10 years - These points include appetite points for those concerned with weight gain. Additional weight points are available .. Please ask.
How long is the treatment?
Smoking Cessation cannot be done properly in less than 60 minutes. At Ontario Laser Health Centre you should allow 1 hr to 1 1⁄2 hrs for the initial treatment.
Does the clinic offer follow-up?
Many clients need follow-up treatments and support. At Ontario Laser Health Centre all follow-up appointments and support is free of charge for 2 months regardless on the number of treatments required … yes all follow-up is FREE.
What hours are the support staff available?
Ontario Laser Health Centre answers there phone 9am to 9pm daily - 7 days per week.
What other aids are provided to help assist in staying quit?
Ontario Laser Health Centre supplies a CD with tons of information and relaxation tracks. Ontario Laser Health Centre supplies a handbook with smoking support information including tips, techniques and ideas to break the physiological habit.
What statistics are they claiming and how did they arrive at them?
At Ontario Laser Health Centre we track all our clients progress, we call you on day 2, week 1, month 1, month 3, month 6 …. Etc - We are determined to keep you on track!